Student Life
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Diversity and Inclusion

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With Saint Dominic as their guide, Dominican friars, sisters, nuns, 平信徒重视并促进了人类大家庭的多样性, 同时承认所有的人都被呼召在神的国度里拥有同样永恒的命运. As a Dominican institution, esball世博继续伟大的多米尼加传统的包容和欢迎共同利益. 这个过程植根于与不同背景的人的互动, cultures, and ways of life. Experiencing racial, gender, ethnic, 宗教和社会经济的多样性丰富了参与教育事业的每一个人.

esball世博致力于欢迎每一个学生谁会拥抱我们的多米尼加蓬勃发展, Catholic, college preparatory curriculum. esball世博承诺,没有人会面临种族歧视, gender, religion, culture, ethnicity or sexual orientation. esball世博的教育将以尊重和包容为标志.

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